Tank's World

Photo Blog! Just trying it out and playing with my camera!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hehehe...this was taken from Saturday after the Mother's Day event. Just been playing around with the kids. Yeah.....I managed to crush all of them....hehehe.....here's a picture of me and Karen. It was a fun weekend. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sens round 2 game 2 of the playoffs. This might not be a clear picture but it shows everything. I took it during period 3 with minutes left, Sens losing 2-1, everybody is wearing red, lots of shots coming from the Sens but no goal, my seat which is far away and up. Yeah......what else can I say? I don't know.... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Xanga is not working so I'm posting this from here and link it to my xanga. Anyways, this is from Summerhay's. Go to my xanga site to look at the review! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

My sister's birthday dinner tonight with her in-laws! Here's my sister and my brother-in-law along with Ariel (Adrian's sister's daughter). We went to Issac's for dinner. Go to my xanga for more details. hehehe Posted by Picasa