Tank's World

Photo Blog! Just trying it out and playing with my camera!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Here's a big milestone for me!!!! other than my 23rd AAA. There's Rhythm and Police on Heavy! I didn't really thought I would pass it. I guess I'm getting better at the crossovers so I was able to do it. I just have enough stamina to finish the songs too! hahaha....16 boos....but still good. This is a 9 footer which always seems to be impossible! Yay! W00t!!!! Posted by Picasa

Here's my 23rd AAA. The song is Get Me In Your Sight on Light. It's a 3 footer I believe. Apparently, this is my first AAA on DDR MAX. I always thought that this game has a smaller timing window. I don't know. The song is pretty straight forward. yeah..... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 04, 2006

hmmmmm.....Montreal Smoke meat from Schwartz's. We took this picture when we were waiting outside. hahaha....so much meat. It was really good. It's definitely worth the drive to go to this place to try it. Yeah....so much meat...it's crazy! So good.....mmmm......... Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Here we go....adding to my lights collection!!!!! I got the plasma mug on the left. If I touch it, the light will go to my finger. I guess it's from the heat? hahaha...on the right is my new LED Gyroscope. It's very small. I can probably bring it in sometimes....hahaha. Yay! More lights for me! Posted by Picasa