Tank's World

Photo Blog! Just trying it out and playing with my camera!

Saturday, December 31, 2005

This is the picture of my house today. My driveway is just all ice. Hopefully people won't slip while walking up the driveway. We put some salt on it so it shouldn't be too bad....just lots of nasty ice.... Posted by Picasa

Here's a picture from my house looking out to the street. There isn't really much snow...just ice everywhere. That's all from the freezing rain a few days ago and haven't got anything after that. This was taken around the afternoon and it is a cloudy day.  Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 30, 2005

ok Leon...all my ligts in my room now! This is how it is setup at this moment. I still have another thing I wanted to put up but haven't found the place for it yet. My lightsaber is on top of the tv in my room right now. I'm hoping to get a new set of speakers but we'll see. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Ok....bad picture...I guess I just have a crappy camera. Sorry.....we put the candles by the curb in front of the house and we lit them up. Too bad not a lot of other people did. This is just a try with my camera to take the picture of the house with the candles. I guess that's it. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Yay! 20th AAA! It's Raise Your Hands on light. The song is not really that hard but it's just great to get another AAA for UM3. I hope to get a record for all the UM3 songs before I go back to Ottawa. I don't think I'll play the UM series that much since I'm not planning to hook my xbox up to my games corner. hehehe Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

This is my 19th AAA and it's actually on UM3!!!!! It's such a hard mix since the window is so small and I just don't like the interface. Yeah...this is Come With Me on light. Just another one in the record. Yay! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 11, 2005

hehehe...not such a great picture but this is my 18th AAA. I don't have my 17th AAA (from MM) but I think Derrick has it on his phone. Well...this is Speed Over Beethoven on Light! Yay! I can't believe I actually got it. I'm so happy! hahaha. I still need to get some AAA on UM3. I haven't got much of a chance to play that lately. Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 05, 2005

Here we go. The DDR matchup yesterday between me and Kelly. Well...this is not the actual one....just us 2 playing after everybody has left. The actual video is at http://www.genxsis.org/temp/100_0006.MOV Go check it out! hehehe....it was a fun day....
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Sunday, December 04, 2005

Here's a picture of me and Brianna Fea. She's sleeping right now. My friends were laughing at me because of the weird position. Do you know what they were thinking????? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah well...she's very little.....5 months old I think by now? Posted by Picasa